Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 2014 K Poems

The tale of the snoring man

I caught a woman who I was in love with
sneaking out of her bedroom in the middle
of the night with her pillow. Where are you
going I asked her through tired and suddenly
self-pitying eyes? Why are you and your pillow
leaving me? You snore she said. I cannot sleep
with your snoring. We discussed the matter
the next morning and she told me that she thought
that I might have sleep apnea and that I should
get a sleep study done. I was never rested.
I could never get enough sleep. I was always
napping but never feeling anything but tired.
The sleep doctor confirmed that I had sleep apnea
and I have slept with a mask over my nostrils
attached to a hose that is attached to a c-pap
machine that emits air ever since not really a very
romantic thing for the one next to me to lay down
with but at least she can sleep.

First smell of the morning

should be coffee, not dog piss,
but this morning when I opened
my office door, which is where
my dogs sleep, my nostrils were
assaulted by urine. The stench
is not unlike the one you find
on downtown elevators or in alley ways;
but those smells are created by bums
men without a home to piss in
who are not allowed to use “public”
restrooms not by dogs who are
supposed to love you.

A writer who's not writing.
A baker without dough.
A banker without money.
A lawyer with no clients.
A doctor with no patients.
A mechanic with no broken vehicles.
A priest without a church.
A tennis player without a racquet.
A poet with no words.
A doctor with no patients.
A world without peace and love.

Bully Bully

It never occurred to me
to bring a gun or knife
to school and start randomly
attacking my fellow students
but I was bullied from
the sixth grade through
the eleventh grade by
the fellow who wound up
being captain of the
high school football team.
He enlisted the help of others
they taunted me
made up songs about me
spread rumors about me.
It was an awful time.

Coffee on my lips in the morning

turns me on like my lover does
when she kisses me. My coffee is sweet
like my lover's lips; stevia and her saliva
seeming to have much in common.

She still sleeps while I am wide awake

at 3 a.m. having woke the dogs and cats
myself drinking a cup of coffee and anticipating
finishing the book that I am reading. The pig
has taken over on the animal farm.

The weather around here is weird

we have the heat on in mid April
my love had to bring her seedlings
in to the kitchen and I had to gather
up my cats and bring them in from
the cold. Kobain wasn't too happy
about it. He sits by the door anticipating
the moment that he can slip back out
to his precious outdoors. Sometimes,
animals, like people, do not know that
you are acting in their best interest.

I will never superannuate.
I didn't put in the time
was never able to do the
nine to five thing, but I have
no regrets; somehow things
keep working out for me
and I bet they will continue
to unless as the late great
Jim Morrison said, "the whole
shit house goes up in flames."

One minute I was twelve

basketball and tennis being
the most important things
in my life and the next I was
fifty seven and love and poetry
were what most consumed me.
How my life has so far passed me
in the blink of an eye I cannot
tell you, but I will tell you that
each day I grow older the more
I see how precious life is
the greatest gift that we have
been given.

Will the knacker come for your body
as angels claim your soul?

Your poetry is soporific.
Your smile that of the devil.
You are an imaginary being
who I create for use in this

Your poetry is soporific.
Your smile that of the devil.
You are an imaginary being
who I create for use in this

Let there be sun

The sun only interrupts
my progress for a short while
each morning causing me to
close the blinds to my office.
I call it an office; you would
call it a bedroom, though there is
no bed in it, just two desks
one that has my computer monitor
and keyboard on it along with
miscellaneous paperwork, junk
it would look like to the untrained eye
and the other desk has books on it
and, often, when they are inside, my
cats who like it because it is so close
to the window; they sit in the sill
when the window is open. I hear
Penni barking from outside. She likes
to lay on the floor of this office with
our other two dogs, but I think that
that is because I am in here and not
because the window is open at times.

That turtle don't do nothing
but hide underneath rocks. I
can understand that. I used to
hide under rocks myself, not
literally, but figuratively, if I
had done something wrong
or if I was depressed. I didn't
have to be depressed about
something specific, I was generally
depressed about most all of it,
most of what was going on
around me, though the depression
was really in my head. I didn't
know there was a solution so
I just lived with it, trying to kill it
with booze which just made it
worse. It's like when I first went
on the pink pills, I didn't know that the
they caused you to crave soda
and I would drink a two liter bottle
of cola a day, and I became fat and
diabetic. What a mess, but I have
learned to live with that too, sticking
a pin in my finger every day to draw
a little blood and see how much sugar
is in it. It's amazing what you can live
with. It really is.

I think of chocolate Easter bunnies and jelly beans
on Easter and not the birth of Christ.

Duck. Duck. Duck.
See the duck cluck
swimming on the pond.
Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Duck.


Can you give a cracker with strawberry jam
on top of peanut butter to a dog? Can you
give a complete stranger shit, for no reason?
Can you commit treason by just being yourself?
Are you your own worst enemy?
Is there a friend standing in front of me?

There might be more
but then there might
not be any light by Sunday
where in church you are
supposed to get rid of the
bad and bring in the good.

She was very up front about my chances.
She said, "No chance."

I apologize for all my apologies.

In restraints I will not be bound.
Freedom is the sweetest thing
I've ever found.


Do you pray to a different God than me?
Are the food stains on your couch different than mine?

Everything is mostly alright.

I'm the shoulder you lay your head on at night.
I'm the multiple faces that you have come to know so well.
I am bread. I am butter. I am sushi. I am banana bread.
I'm the poet. The father. The grandfather. Your lover.
So bright is our star that we share in the bedroom.
Angels dancing as we lay our heads upon the pillow

Shaking Hands With The Devil

When folks start singing or talking about The Devil
it's out the door I go. Now, I probably didn't run fast
enough and I think it was Gin, and then when I quit
that, Jack Daniels that got me in trouble. The Devil
put me in drunk tanks praying to The Lord to let me
go, I'll never drink again, Dear God, if you'll just get
me out of here. God gets me out and it's to the bar
I soon go.

Good turned to bad

and bad turned to me
that’s what I got for
working my fingers
to the bone, while some
man took everything
I owned talking on the
telephone. I’m at the
homeless shelter covered
in rain. She ran off with the
singer and left the house
to me.

body parts that have human names

I never met a Reynolds who wasn't
a loser and a prick.
I never met a Bush I wouldn't piss on.
Cronins now there's a twin set of balls
I'd like to kick.
And to think these people bullyed me
when I was a kid.

my love is your love
is our love is our love
big enough for everybody
who we pray for at night?

I am sucking on my last bit of Easter Candy,
a Blow Pop. They are not my favorite; that's
why it is being consumed last. They can't be
good for your teeth, which reminds me I got
to call The Dentist.

Ain't got time for your pot of gold

I can chew enthusiastically on a good tasting piece
of gum. I can smile while you ride the roller coaster,
I'll never step foot on one, and I will never get on
a skateboard, or ski. I don't like bowling. Ain't got
time for gollf. Can't play tennis cuz I got a fake hip.
Can't run long distance, neither; oh well I set the
school record in The Mile and The Two Mile in high school.

They're trying to sell their hats
and things you'd never have thought
they would part with but the economy
put your grandmother's car in some
man's truck who answered your ad
in Craig's List.

I just looked at some Braves season tickets.
I can't afford them.

I like grooving the moon right before the sun rises
having already slept eight hours for the night. I used
to go down bout the time I now get up. Funny, how
life is that way...changes and all from day to day.

She always has a date, but
she doesn't have a man
who will stand by her day
after day.


My girlfriend tells me that marijuana is
bad for me. Ketchup is bad for you. Ice cream
is bad for you. Fried foods are bad for you.
The government is bad for you. The CIA is bad
for you. The military is bad for you. War is bad
for you.

That would be so beautiful

If I could mime like a mime.
If I could clown like a clown.
If I could tie my shoes, while
sitting down.
If I could walk on a cloud.
If I could not scream out loud
at every wrong that I see in
the world.
If I could look in your eye,
and tell you why I love you,
then that would be so beautiful.

Do you eat from the buffet?

Endless trips back and forth
plate full again, fattening your
figure. You'll work out, tomorrow
you say, but tomorrow becomes
today and that's the way it goes.

Listening to traffic, not caught
in the traffic, mercifully.
I sip on my cup of tea,
and eat my egg with flour tortilla.

Dear Mr. Fantasy I am happy
to see the day, just like I was
happy, last night, to see the moon.

This guy on the radio just referred to
another fellow as, "The worst kind of
racist." What is the best kind of racist?
Is there such a thing?

Give me love

Give me love.
Give me sympathy.
Don't make me get down
on my knees when I have
done you wrong.
Listen to my words.
Heed my song.
I know what's right.
I know what's wrong.
I love you in the moonlight.
I love you in the day.
It's alright.
It's alright.

If they want more of you
and less of me are we going
to let them get their way,
or convince the masses that our way
is the only way to do?
I hope not. I hope that we
would stay true, and I don't
mean act stupid, but originality
sometimes takes awhile to catch on.
So play your bass and talk you song
and when you signal to me, I will
come on down.

Take another sip, brother
you know you don't have to think.
Take another sip, brother
you don't have to sink into
the abyss, but you will, and
there will be no one there to
hold you, just a bunch of folks
to open your wallet and take
everything you got and then
kick you out on the street.

I was so not into being a spectator of any sorts to sports
for such a long time, but over the past few years, I have
started listening to The Braves on the radio and going to
games. I go to The Hawks and have been watching their
playoff games in bars about town...Mexico be
specific. Their food is amazing, and the beverages look
tasty. I'm going to try and book me and Alexander and the
guys there sometime soon. Funny thing: I'm looking forward
to the NFL draft. I'm curious where Manzel will go. There
are wars out there, pollution, sexism and all of that and I
am worried about footbal. What's wrong with me? What a

The guy on the radio said I could cancel
at any time, so I canceled him right then
by turning off my radio.

Nowhere. Doing nothing.
But I got a smile on my face.
I'm not in the rat race.

The Heisman Trophy winning FSU quarterback
was caught stealing crab legs at The Publix.

11:30 Update: A source inside Florida
State's program says that Winston will be fined $30, required to do community service, and will be suspended from the baseball team.

11:35 Update: The Leon County Sheriff's Office will hold a 2 p.m. press conference concerning Jameis Winston.

A press conference about stolen crab legs! What a hoot! What a way for a talented athlete to make an ass of himself. What was this guy thinking?

Wow, a $30 dollar fine. Can I pay $30 on my faillure to yield ticket when I
go to court on June 5 at 8 a.m. What a sorry boot in the ass this accident was.
I pulled in front of a pastor, put a small, small scratch on his bumper and he called the cops cuz he wants a new bumper. A man of God and all that...

I'd like to delve into
her madness, but I
can't anymore.